Use the Setup Options to set the variables for you system and to control the look and feel of your Xtreme Locator Search and Search Results pages. Fields in the Setup Options are explained in detail below.
Broadcast Reply Email – This will be the Email From address that accompanies any Broadcast Email Messages sent to your Location Administrators.
Site Name – This can be the name of your company and service and/or descriptive language of your locator . HTML is permitted to be use within this field for formatting purposes. The text you enter in this field will display at the top of all search results pages below the Site Image. This field may be left empty if you do not wish for any text to display below the Site Image. If you are using the multi-language feature, click the language name and enter a value for the alternate language.
Search Distance – This sets the search radius distance in miles from the zip code or other search parameter entered.
Smart Distance – Automatically increases search distance until location is found up to 1000 miles.
Ignore Distance if Territory Set – If you are using the Xtreme Locator territory assignment feature for your locations, checking this box will cause Xtreme Locator to ignore the Search Distance setting. In most cases, this checkbox should be checked.
Partial Territory Match – This option only applies if you are using our territory handling to assign territories to locations. When checked, locations that fall within a broader search will be displayed in the search results. For example, if a search is done by state, all locations that have territories in that state will be returned.
Records Display Name in Paging – Use this setting to change the name for records in the search results paging located at the top and bottom of the search results page (Records 1 5 (10) Next 5 Records >>). For example, you might want to change the default value (Records) to Dealers so the paging will display as (Dealers 1 5 (10) Next 5 Dealers >>). When changing, enter a singular value and a plural value. If you are using the multi-language feature, click the language name and enter a value for the alternate language.
Total Records Returned – Enter the total number of location records to be returned in any search. The default value is 25.
Return All Within The Same Distance – This setting will override the Total Records Returned setting in the event that the number of locations within the same distance from the search point exceeds the limit set for Total Records Returned.
Example; You have set Total Records Returned to 3 and the number of locations within the Search Distance found is 5 locations as follows:
Location 1 1.2 miles
Location 2 2.3 miles
Location 3 4.0 miles
Location 4 4.0 miles
Location 5 5.0 miles
On the above search, if the Return All Within The Same Distance field is unchecked, search will only return locations 1, 2 & 3 but if Return All Within The Same Distance is checked, search will return locations 1, 2, 3 & 4 (Since locations 3 & 4 are within the same distance).
Records per Page – Sets the number of locations that will be shown on each page of the search results.
Not Found Message – Enter a custom message to display on the search results page in the event that no location is found for the area searched for. HTML is allowed in this field. If you are using the multi-language feature, click the language name and enter a value for the alternate language.
Zip Code Not Found Message – This to customize the message that displays when an invalid or unrecognized postal code is entered in the search. If you are using the multi-language feature, click the language name and enter a value for the alternate language.
Search Disclaimer Message – Enter disclaimer text in this field to require persons searching for your locations to agree to your disclaimer prior to being shown the search results. Leaving this field blank will disable the disclaimer message and deliver search results immediately. If you are using the multi-language feature, click the language name and enter a value for the alternate language.
Page Width – Determines the width of the display of the Advanced Search, Search Results and Location Detail pages. To set the width in pixels, enter the number only, to set the width as a percentage, enter the number followed by the % sign.
Width of Text Column In Search Results – Determines the width of the column where the text results are displayed in the search results in the Map & Text search results method.
Show Results As – You can select Text, Map or Map & Text
- Text shows the textual dealer information on the lefthand side with a Map-It link on the right hand side to popup the location map.
- Map shows the locations within the search radius on a map as icons. Clicking the icon opens the info bubble with the text deatils.
- Map & Text shows the textual dealer information on the lefthand side with a map of the locations displayed as numbered icons on the right.
Look And Feel – Select Modern or Classic for the GUI of the Admin Control Panel.
Google Map Zoom Level – This setting applies only if you are using the Map mode for your search results. You can modify the zoom level of the map when the results are first displayed. Enter a higher number to zoom in or a lower number to zoom out.
Map Results Zoom Level When Location Is Selected –
Results Page Layout – This selection determines the position of the Location Thumbnail Image on the Search Results page as follows:
- Image at the Top Thumbnail location image displays above all of the location information.
- Image in The Middle Thumbnail location image displays between the location information and the Map-It image.
Specialty Name – Determines the field label for the category/specialty section of the search results page and the location detail page. The default value is Specialty but can be any name you like (Products, Services, Features, etc.). If you are using the multi-language feature, click the language name and enter a value for the alternate language.
Only show countries that site uses in search – Allows you to now choose between showing all countries in the dropdown country list or only countries where you have locations. To choose to show only countries where you have active locations, check this checkbox.
Specialty Style In Search Page – Determines the way the user can search for specialties in the Advanced Search mode. This only applies if you are assigning specialties to your locations. Available styles are:
- Single Selection Displays a dropdown list of specialties. User can only search for one specialty at a time.
- Multiple Selection Displays all specialties with a checkbox selection. User can search for multiple specialties.
- Single by Category Displays a dropdown list of specialty categories and then, when a category is selected, populates a dropdown list of specialties in the category selected.
- Category Only Displays a dropdown list of specialty categories and, when selected, will return search results of all locations providing specialties included in the category selected.
- Multiple by Category Displays all specialties with a checkbox selection. Specialties are separated by category. User can search for multiple specialties.
Specialty Search Logic – This setting determines how the system searches for locations when multiple search parameters are entered:
- And This setting cause the system to only return search results for locations that match all search parameters entered in the search process.
- Or This setting cause the system to return search results for locations that match any search parameters entered in the search process.
Specialty Columns In Search Page – When using Multiple Selection Specialty Style, this determines the number of columns of checkboxes. This only applies if you are assigning specialties to your locations.
Specialty Style In Results Page – Determines how the categories and their specialties display on the search results and location detail pages. This only applies if you are using categories for your specialties. The available styles are:
- Grouped by Category Displays the category followed by a colon followed by each specialty assigned to that category. Each category of specialties starts a new line.Category1: Specialty1, Specialty2
Category2: Specialty3, Specialty4 - Full Name List Displays each specialty preceded by the category to which it is assigned.Category1 Specialty1, Category1 Specialty2, Category2 Specialty3, Category2 Specialty4
Details Page Layout – This selection determines the position of the Location Image on the Location Details page as follows:
- Image Before Info Location Image displays above all location information.
- Image After Info Location Image displays below all location information.
Show Details Page – If checked, location name is hyperlinked to a Location Details page. If unchecked, no link is established.
Show vCard vCard is a file format standard for electronic business cards. This feature enables the standard vCard icon to be displayed on the Xtreme Locator results page. When a visitor clicks on the vCard icon, it allows the visitor to import the vCard data into their contact management application (such as Outlook).
Text Font – This sets the Font for the application from the dropdown list.
Text Color – This sets the color of the text on the Search and Search Results pages. Enter your own custom code or click the to use the select a color from our color code generator.
Bar Color – This sets the background color of the top and bottom separator bar. Enter your own custom code or click the to use the select a color from our color code generator.
Bar Text Color – Sets the color of the text in the top and bottom separator bar. Enter your own custom code or click the to use the select a color from our color code generator.
Page Background Color – This sets the page background color on the Search and Search Results pages. Enter your own custom code or click the to use the select a color from our color code generator.
Table Background Color – This sets the background color of the table containing the Search and Search Results. Enter your own custom code or click the to use the select a color from our color code generator.
Distance Units – Select the unit of measure for the distance display on the search results. You may select to display the distance in Miles, Kilometers or both.
Allow Advanced Search – When checked, users will be redirected to the Advanced Search page when no locations are found. When unchecked, users will be redirected to a page showing the Not Found Message.
Airport Search – When checked, the Advanced Search page will show the airport search feature.
Show Language Choice – Check this box to enable the multi-language feature for Xtreme Locator. This will allow a drop menu in the advance search to switch languages. Xtreme Locator currently supports the French language. If you have enabled this option, you must then enter translations in the various alternate language fields.
Filter Results – Choose None, Visitor County, Visitor State, Visitor Country.
- None No filtering.
- Visitor County When this filter option is selected, search will only return locations within the county of the zip code searched for.
- Visitor State When this filter option is selected, search will only return locations within the state of the zip code searched for.
- Visitor Country When this filter option is selected, search will only return locations within the country of the zip code/postal code searched for.
Sort Mode – This expands our Sponsor setting to allow you to use any field to determine the order in which the search results will be displayed.
By default, the sort mode is 1) Sponsor in descending order and 2) Distance in ascending order. Making a location a Sponsor by checking the Sponsor checkbox will give it a value of 1 while leaving it unchecked will give it a value of 0 or null so by having the first sort criteria set as sponsor you will return, first, any location within the search distance with a sponsor value of 1, then locations with a sponsor value of 0 (unchecked), then distance.
You can add other fields into the Sort Mode or create new fields using the Field Manage to introduce into the Sort Mode. For example; You can create two boolean fields called Platinum Location and Gold Location. Then remove the two existing sort mode fields and add 1) Platinum Location/Descending, 2) Gold Location/Descending, 3) Distance/Ascending. Then, any locations checked as Platinum Locations will be displayed first, followed by Gold Locations followed by regular locations sorted nearest to furthest.
Locations without Address – You can now add locations without a physical addresses (for example, online retailers) and assign them to be displayed as the first location shown or the last location shown. To use this feature, create a location with no address, such as one of your online retailers. Then, go to Setup Options and select the from the options in the dropdown list for Locations Without Address as follows:
- Hide This will not show locations with no address.
- Show First This will show locations with no address first in any search.
- Show Last This will show locations with no address last in any search when the locations within your set search distance are less than the Total Records Returned For example; If you have your Total Records Returnedset to 5 and there are only 3 locations within the search distance, the location with no address will be displayed in fourth position. If you have 5 locations within the search distance, the location with no address will not be returned. If you have no locations within the search distance, the location with no address will be returned.
Search Limit Type – To limit data harvesting of your records, you can enforce a limit on number of searches allowed within a time frame.
- Unlimited No search limit
- IP Xtreme Locator takes note of the IP of the requesting computer and tracks it (within the x number of searches and time frame)
- Cookie Xtreme Locator put a cookie file on the requesting computer and tacks it (within the x number of searches and time frame)
- IP & Cookie Implements both procedures
Unlimited Search IP Addresses – If you chose to limit searches by IP, you can still bypass this limitation by entering fixed IPs. You can separate each IP by space or semi-colon. If your computer uses Dynamic IP, then you can log as an administrator or a location administrator and thereafter, Xtreme Locator will allow you to search bypassing the search limit parameter.
Search Limit Exceeded Text – Allows you to customize the message that is displayed when the search limit is exceeded.
Map Mode – Select the mapping type from this dropdown list. The options are:
- No Map This will disable the mapping feature and the Map-It image will not appear on the search results.
- Yahoo This will enable free Yahoo mapping.
- MapQuest This will enable free MapQuest mapping.
- Multimap Ad-Free This will enable Multimap advertising free mapping. Requires additional subscription for map delivery. Contact us for Multimap subscription information.
- ESRI Ad-Free This will enable ESRI advertising free mapping. Requires map credit purchase from ESRI. ESRI credits are purchased directly from ESRI at –
- Google This will enable free Google mapping.
Individual Location Map Zoom Level – You can modify the zoom level of the location map displayed when you click the Map-It link. Enter a higher number to zoom in or a lower number to zoom out.
Google Map Icon – You can choose from our library of map icons or create your own. To select from our icon library, click the gray button and then click an icon to select it. To create a new icon, click the All Icons link, then click the Add Icon link. See Creating Google Map Icons for more details.
Open Map In New Window – Allows results page to open map in new window.
Automatically Open Info Window – If this checkbox is checked and you are using Google map mode, the location info balloon will be open when the map opens for a location. If unchecked, the user must click on location icon to open the info baloon.
Group Locations On Map – When checked, the Google All Locations Map will display icons density zone icons when the map zoom level is set to 4 or lower and clicking on those icons will zoom to the region and show individual icons within the region. When unchecked an icon will be displayed for every location.
ESRI Map It Login – Only required if you are using ESRI Ad-Free mapping. Enter the login name you received with your ESRI map credit purchase.
ESRI Map It Password – Only required if you are using ESRI Ad-Free mapping. Enter the password you received with your ESRI map credit purchase.
Show Event Icon – When checked, search results will show an Icon for locations with special events.
Results Page Header – This text displays below the top separator bar. You may use HTML coding to format the text display. If you are using the multi-language feature, click the language name and enter a value for the alternate language.
Results Page Footer – This text displays above the bottom separator bar. You may use HTML coding to format the text display. If you are using the multi-language feature, click the language name and enter a value for the alternate language.
Site Image – Select an image to display at the top of each search page. In order to include an image, click the Browse button which will open the Choose File box with a listing of files on your local computer, highlight the image file in this box and click open button to select the image. Clicking the Save button will upload the image.
Thumbnail Dimensions – You may set the height and width, in pixels, of the Location Thumbnail Image that appears on the search results pages in order to have a consistent look. In order not to distort the image, you may wish to only set one dimension (width or height) and leave the other blank.
URL Target in Results Page – Allows you to define the behavior when the a URL in the location record is clicked. The target should be entered without quotation marks. Target names can be:
- _blank
The user agent should load the designated document in a new, unnamed window.
- _self
The user agent should load the document in the same frame as the element that refers to this target.
- _parent
The user agent should load the document into the immediate FRAMESET parent of the current frame. This value is equivalent to _self if the current frame has no parent.
- _top
The user agent should load the document into the full, original window (thus canceling all other frames). This value is equivalent to _self if the current frame has no parent.
Location Admin Support E-mail – If you have assigned Location Administrators to your Xtreme Locator system, enter your Email address in order to provide a link on the Location Administrator page to contact the System Administrator.
Location Admin News – If you have assigned Location Administrators to your Xtreme Locator system, you can enter text in this field to display on the page that Location Administrators see after they login to the system. HTML is permitted in this field.
Map It Icon Image – Use this field to upload a custom image link to the location map feature.
Map It Popup Text – Enter the text to display when the mouse cursor is dragged over the Map It Icon Image.
Google Map Text Color – This field determines the color of the text in the Google map info balloon.
Google Map Header HTML – Allows you to create a custom header for the Google location map. HTML is allowed in this field. If you are using the multi-language feature, click the language name and enter a value for the alternate language.
Google Map Footer HTML – Allows you to create a custom footer for the Google location map. HTML is allowed in this field. If you are using the multi-language feature, click the language name and enter a value for the alternate language.
Public Registration – Click this checkbox to enable this feature. Public Registration allows your website visitors to submit their own location data. If enabled, a link to this form will be displayed on the Search Results and Advanced Search pages.
Public Registration Header – Entries in this field display above the registration form that can be used to explain your terms for submission or other descriptive text. HTML code can be used in this field. If you are using the multi-language feature, click the language name and enter a value for the alternate language.
Public Registration Confirmation Message – Entries in this field display at the top of the form after the form is successfully submitted. HTML code can be used in this field. If you are using the multi-language feature, click the language name and enter a value for the alternate language.
Notify Admin About Registration – Check this checkbox to be notified by email when a new submission is processed. Note: Submissions from the Public Registration form are set to Inactive so notification is recommended so you can review and activate or reject new submissions.
Public Registration Notification E-mail – Enter the email address to receive the notification.
Show link to public registration in results – When checked, a link to the public registration form will be displayed on the search results page.
Public registration default location status – Select the default status to be assigned to locations submitted through the Public Registration Form. If Approved is selected, locations submitted will be immediately active and returned in any searches. If Pending is selected, record must be reviewed activated.
Public Registration Form URL – This provides the URL to the public registration form that you can copy/paste to create a menu link to the form.
Register New Location Text – Future
Location Listing – When enabled, this will provide a list of states, provinces and countries with links to a list of all locations.
View All Locations Text – Future
Locations Listing URL – This provides the URL listing of all of your locations that you can copy/paste to create a menu link to the form.
Location Listing Header – Allows you to create a custom header for the location listing. HTML is allowed in this field. If you are using the multi-language feature, click the language name and enter a value for the alternate language.
Location Listing Footer – Allows you to create a custom footer for the location listing. HTML is allowed in this field. If you are using the multi-language feature, click the language name and enter a value for the alternate language.
Results Page Image Link – If you use a location image for each location, this setting allows you to link that image to either the location detail page or to the locations website.
About our Color Code Generator – Simply click a color you would like to use for any of the color selections and the code for that color will be inserted into the color field.