Code Generator

The Code Generator will provide you with the Code necessary to install the Xtreme Locator on your Web Site.  We offer multiple methods for utilizing Xtreme Locator from simple HTML code to more advanced .PHP and .NET implementation.

Standard Search Form

The Simple Search Form selection generates a basic form that will open search results on a page on the Xtreme Locator server.

Installing Search Form:

  1. Select from one of the three search code options:Postal Code only search form Visitor enters a US or Canada postal code.  Xtreme Locator searches for locations within the Search Distance that you have setup in Setup Options.Postal Code and Distance search form Visitor enters a US or Canada postal code.  Xtreme Locator searches for locations within the Search Distance that you have setup in Setup Options.  Entry in Distance field can reduce or increase the global search distance setting (in Setup Options).Country and Postal Code search form Visitor selects country and enters postal code (if postal code support for country selected is available). If postal code support for country selected is not available, postal code field is disabled and search by Country is undertaken.
  2. Click the Get Codebutton and a window will popup with the html code.
  3. Copy the code from the popup and paste into your web page where you want the search form to display.


Frames Search Code

The Frames Search Code selection generates a simple form that will open search results in a frame on your frames based website.

Installing Search Form:

  1. Select from one of the three search code options:Postal Code only search form Visitor enters a US or Canada postal code.  Xtreme Locator searches for locations within the Search Distance that you have setup in Setup Options.Postal Code and Distance search form Visitor enters a US or Canada postal code.  Xtreme Locator searches for locations within the Search Distance that you have setup in Setup Options.  Entry in Distance field can reduce or increase the global search distance setting (in Setup Options).Country and Postal Code search form Visitor selects country and enters postal code (if postal code support for country selected is available). If postal code support for country selected is not available, postal code field is disabled and search by Country is undertaken.
  2. Click the Get Code button and a window will popup with the html code.
  3. Copy the code from the popup and paste into your web page where you want the search form to display.


iFrame Search Code

The Iframe Search Code selection generates a simple form that will open search results in an Iframe on your website.

Generating and Installing Search Form:

  1. Select from one of the three search code options:Postal Code only search form Visitor enters a US or Canada postal code.  Xtreme Locator searches for locations within the Search Distance that you have setup in Setup Options.Postal Code and Distance search form Visitor enters a US or Canada postal code.  Xtreme Locator searches for locations within the Search Distance that you have setup in Setup Options.  Entry in Distance field can reduce or increase the global search distance setting (in Setup Options).Country and Postal Code search form Visitor selects country and enters postal code (if postal code support for country selected is available). If postal code support for country selected is not available, postal code field is disabled and search by Country is undertaken.
  2. Click the Get Code button and a window will popup with the html code.
  3. Copy the code from the popup and paste into your web page where you want the search form to display.


PHP Search Form

The PHP Form selection generates a form, search results page and advanced search page for installation on your website.  Using this deployment, all pages are installed on your website and the location data is pulled from the Xtreme Locator database and delivered to your website transparently.

Please Note:

  1. You must have PHP installed on your web server with the CURL module enabled.
  2. Location Detail page is not currently available for the PHP deployment.

Installing Search Form:

  1. Select from one of the three search code options:Postal Code only search form Visitor enters a US or Canada postal code.  Xtreme Locator searches for locations within the Search Distance that you have setup in Setup Options.Postal Code and Distance search form Visitor enters a US or Canada postal code.  Xtreme Locator searches for locations within the Search Distance that you have setup in Setup Options.  Entry in Distance field can reduce or increase the global search distance setting (in Setup Options).Country and Postal Code search form Visitor selects country and enters postal code (if postal code support for country selected is available). If postal code support for country selected is not available, postal code field is disabled and search by Country is undertaken.
  2. Click the Get Codebutton and a window will popup with the html code.
  3. Copy the code from the popup and paste into your web page where you want the search form to display.

Generating the Advanced Search Page:

  1. Click the Get File button to download the html file for the advanced search page (xlAdvanced Search.htm).
  2. Modify the format as desired.
  3. Install the xlAdvanced Search.html file on your website.

Generating the Search Results page:

  1. Click the Get File button to download the PHP file for the Search Results page (xlResults.php).
  2. Modify the format as desired.
  3. Install the xlResults.php file on your website.


Asp.NET Search Form

The ASP.NET Form selection generates a form, search results page and advanced search page for installation on your website.  Using this deployment, all pages are installed on your website and the location data is pulled from the Xtreme Locator database and delivered to your website transparently.

Installing Search Form:

  1. Select from one of the three search code options:Postal Code only search form Visitor enters a US or Canada postal code.  Xtreme Locator searches for locations within the Search Distance that you have setup in Setup Options.

    Postal Code and Distance search form Visitor enters a US or Canada postal code.  Xtreme Locator searches for locations within the Search Distance that you have setup in Setup Options.  Entry in Distance field can reduce or increase the global search distance setting (in Setup Options).

    Country and Postal Code search form Visitor selects country and enters postal code (if postal code support for country selected is available). If postal code support for country selected is not available, postal code field is disabled and search by Country is undertaken.

  2. Click the Get Codebutton and a window will popup with the html code.
  3. Copy the code from the popup and paste into your web page where you want the search form to display.

Generating the Advanced Search Page:

  1. Click the Get File button to download the html file for the advanced search page (xlAdvanced Search.htm).
  2. Modify the format as desired.
  3. Install the xlAdvanced Search.html file on your website.

Generating the Search Results page:

  1. Click the Get File button to download the .net file for the Search Results page (xlSearchResults.aspx).
  2. Modify the format as desired.
  3. Install the xlSearchResults.aspx file on your website.

Generating the .net underlying code file:

Click the “Get File” button to download your Search Results page underlying code, save it as xlSearchResults.aspx.vb and import it to your Web. Do not edit this file

Location Administrator Login Form

If you have assigned Location Administrators to your locations, you need to provide them with a way to login to manager their assigned locations. This selection provides you with the code to install on your web site for your Location Administrators to login to manage their locations.

To install the Location Administrator Login Form:

  1. Click the Get Code button and a window will popup with the html code.
  2. Copy the code from the popup and paste into your web page where you want the login form to display.


Submit Location Form

The Submit Location PHP Form allows you to install a form on your website for visitors to submit their own locations.  You have the option when generating this form to have an email notification sent to you when someone submits a location.

Generating the Submit Location Form:

  1. Check the Send Notification check box if you want to receive a notification.  You can leave your default email address (from Setup Options) or enter a different email address to receive the notifications.
  2. Click the Get File button to download the file.
  3. Make any desired format modifications.
  4. Install the file on your website.


Google Map Code

The Google All Locations Map code provides you with a way to add a map of your locations to your website.  The map will display an icon for each location that, when clicked, will open a baloon with the location details.

To install the Google All Locations Map:

  1. Select Map Width and Map Height using the dropdown lists for each.
  2. Adjust the zoom level to show the area desired by using the zoom control on the left side of the map.
  3. Drag the map to show the desired center necessary to show all of your locations.
  4. When you are satisfied with the map adjustments, go to the Map Code section (below the map) as follows:URL Code Use this URL to install in a frame page or iframe page.  To use this method, click on the URL box and copy to your clipboard.  Then paste it into your frame or iframe code.Widget Code Use this widget code to install on a web page.  To use this method, click on the Widget box and copy to your clipboard.  Then paste the code into your web page.

Note:  You have the option of showing an icon for every location or an icon for a group of locations.  When grouped icons is selected, clicking on the group icon will zoom the map to the icons region.  Additionally you can choose to show the Google normal size icon or a smaller icon.  These options are controlled by settings in Setup Options as follows.

  1. Go to Setup Options and scroll to the map settings.
  2. To show all locations on the map, uncheck the Group Locations on Map check box.
  3. From the Map Icon Type dropdown list, select Normal or Small.
  4. Save your settings.

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